Mass Media And Professionalism in Nigeria Radio And Television
Mass Media, Professionalism, Nigeria, Radio, TelevisionAbstract
The issue of media professionalism in Nigerian radio and television is of vital importance, given the profound influence these media outlets have on public opinion and societal norms. This study examines the historical developments, ethical standards, regulatory frameworks, and challenges faced by these media channels in Nigeria. It also proposes strategies for strengthening media professionalism, drawing upon the Social Responsibility Theory as a theoretical framework. The study finds that while progress has been made in improving media professionalism since the liberalization of the media landscape in the 1990s, challenges persist in terms of ethical conduct, content quality, industry regulation, and technology adaptation. Strengthening media professionalism requires a multi-pronged approach involving government policies, media reforms, industry collaborations, and individual commitment to professional standards. By adhering to the principles of the Social Responsibility Theory, radio and television stations in Nigeria can contribute to promoting democracy, development, and social justice, and foster a culture of ethical reporting.
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