Human Resource Management and The Basic Provisions of The Trade Unions Act


  • Agbonmwanre Anthony Omorogieva Department of Business Administration and Management School of Management Studies Federal Polytechnic Ukana Akwa Ibom State Nigeria
  • Charles Chimezie Onichakwe Department of General Studies Federal Polytechnic Ukana Akwa Ibom State Nigeria


National Industrial Court, Labor Relations, Membership of Trade Unions, Recognition of Trade Un-ions, Trade Union


Trade unions in Nigeria play a normative role in promoting industrial peace and harmony. They act to maintain equilibrium in the bargaining powers between employers and employees. Without trade unions, employers’ natural exploitative tendencies of employees will be heightened without any obstacles. Given the positives implication attached to trade unions in promoting industrial peace and harmony, the laws relating to trade unions in Nigeria should be such that registered trade unions are compulsorily recognized by employers and adequately supported to maintain an equilibrium in the bargaining process to promote industrial peace and harmony, this paper examined the Nigerian Trade Union Act and highlighting the positive normative, Implications of the Act. The National Industrial Court (hereinafter referred to as NIC) has, in several decisions, held that recognition of a registered trade union by an employer is obligatory. Even though this position by NIC is statutory.


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How to Cite

Omorogieva, A. A., & Onichakwe, C. C. (2024). Human Resource Management and The Basic Provisions of The Trade Unions Act. International Journal of Human Capital and Innovative Management, 1(1), 1–16. Retrieved from




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