Analysis of the Influences of Work Environment, Soft Skills, and Employee Performance Appraisal to Bank Health by Mitigating Non-Performing Loans (NPL): Case Studies on the Employees of Employees PT. Bank SulutGo South Minahasa Region
soft skills, employee job reliance, NPLAbstract
This research aims to analyze the influence of the work environment, soft skills and employee performance assessment on non-performing loans (NPLs). The population in this research is employees of Bank SulutGo in the South Minahasa regions example as much 100 permanent and non-permanent employees at Bank SulutGo. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Primary data used in this research was obtained with using questionnaire and Likert scale as a measuring tool as well technique a Multiple Linear Regression r and hypothesis testing used to determine the expected influence of the work environment, soft skills and employee performance on NPL. The results of research and data analysis show that simultaneously work environment, soft skills and employee work assessment have a positive effect on non-performing loans in SulutGo bank employees in the South Minahasa region.
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