The Role of Women in Helping the Economy of Fisherman Families in Huangobotu Village, Kabila Bone District, Bone Bolango District
Role of Women, Fishermen Family EconomyAbstract
Bone Bolango Regency is one of the regencies that are located in Gorontalo Province which has a very diverse fisheries potential, especially in terms of capture fisheries and the process of it. This research was conducted from February to August 2023 in Huangobotu Village, Kabila Bone Subdistrict, Bone Bolango Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of women in helping the economy of fishery's families in Huangobotu Village, Kabila Bone Subdistrict, Bone Bolango Regency. In addition, the research methods used are descriptive qualitative methods with observation and interview techniques. The results showed that the profile and economy of fishery's families in Huangobotu Village include age, education and family dependents. Moreover, most fishermen's wives are around in the age of 41-50 which are considered productive, their education was dominated by elementary school graduates as many as 21 respondents while most family dependents have 1-6 dependents in the family. Hence, the role of fishermen's wives in overcoming the economy of fishermen's families, including domestic roles; cooking, cleaning and tidying the house, taking care of children and helping husbands, social roles by being active in social gathering activities (women's recitation) as well as participating in PKK, and the productive role of fishermen's wives, some of whom work as fish traders and open food stalls and small shops.
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